We find expert geotechnical engineering solutions for you – delivered on time, within budget, and at a competitive price. Serving our clients since 1975, they recognize that value is not just about having the lowest price, but the experience, knowledge, solutions, and relationships that BHATE provides to them.

We are Trusted by the World’s Leading Government Agencies and Companies
We provide objective technical and organizational support to governments, ministries of mines/minerals, and geological survey organizations. We also work with exploration companies and other consultants seeking to understand and evaluate the prospectivity of countries, regions, or licensed areas.

Preparing for the 2025 Hurricane Season
The Tropical Storm Risk (TSR) forecast for the 2025 Atlantic hurricane season is for an average season with 15 named... Continue reading→
What to know about Cold Weather Concrete
Objectives of cold weather concreting practices are to prevent damage to early-age freezing. The conditions of cold weather concreting exist... Continue reading→
Flashback to a Moment of Pride
Here are our principals, Uday Bhate and Chuck Burgin, holding one of the prestigious ABC “Excellence in Construction” Awards they... Continue reading→