BHATE Geosciences’ engineers can assess subsurface geohazards that impact new construction and existing buildings and infrastructure. We have the expertise to evaluate underground hazards, prepare cost effective remediation plans and specialized equipment to conduct remedial work.

Sinkhole & Karst

A karst terrain consists of one of the most difficult ground conditions that has to be evaluated. Steps include review of geologic and sinkhole maps and local knowledge followed by a program of geophysical surveys and targeted borings to verify any anomalies discovered.

In addition to natural occurrences, subsidence is often caused by man-made activates such as alteration of drainage, excavation or dewatering activates.

  • Design of a remedial solution is based on location, the extent of the hazard, proposed construction and the client’s risk preference.
  • Shallow sinkholes in a low risk area can be successfully repaired by excavation to the ‘throat’ and proper backfill to provide bridging.
  • BHATE uses specialized drilling and low mobility grouting techniques for remedial work when a sinkhole is deep or close to a structure in a high-risk area.

Abandoned Underground Coal Mines

There are many abandoned underground coalmines in areas that are now prime commercial or industrial development properties. Room and Pillar was the principal mining technique used. Mine subsidence has caused damage to structures in many states.

Our geotechnical engineers have significant experience with mine subsidence evaluation and mitigation design to safely build over underground mines. Remediation has included construction of grout columns, flush grouting and specialty foundations. Mine remediation projects have included governmental, commercial, office buildings, industrial and institutional and infrastructure projects.